2024 10/3 Okutama Rafting Tour Blog

Hi everyone:) I’m Ham☺

We are holding a Nagatoro rafting tour today as well.

Although the weather was cloudy all day, the water temperature was not that low.

We went into the river a lot today too.

Thank you everyone for joining us today.

Nagatoro Rafting Tours will be held every day in October as well.

If you are interested, please contact us.

We look forward to seeing you at Big Smile Nagatoro.

2024 10/2 Nagatoro Rafting Tour Blog

Hi everyone:) I’m Ham☺

I will update the tour blog after a long time.🙇

October has arrived in the blink of an eye.

Is it almost the end of the season?😭

However, the extremely hot days will continue.

Everyone, please be careful of heat stroke.

I was able to see many beautiful views of Nagatoro today as well.

Soon, it will be time to see the autumn leaves.

If you are interested, I would like you to come and visit Nagatoro.

Thank you everyone for joining us on the tour today.☺

November 12th 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog


Today’s customer is from Tokyo! !

Customers said “We haven’t done anything summery this summer, but We are finally done something summery!”

It’s November, but our summer isn’t over yet.

If you haven’t done anything summery yet, please come to Nagatoro Rafting!

For customers who think rafting is cold in this season.

Please don’t worry.

We will do everything we can to protect you from the cold!

Please come to Nagatoro Rafting!

November 11st 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog

Hello ~

Today is Pocky Day in Japan! !

Do you know Pocky?

Pocky is a sweet that is loved by Japanese people.

The reason is that 11/11 looks like Pocky.

Today’s customer seems to be buying it after rafting.

Today, some customers were rafting for the first time.

The second grade elementary school kids who went rafting for the first time swam a lot in the river.

Customers swam a lot at the swimming points from the start to the finish.

We were happy that everyone enjoyed it.

October 29th 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog

In autumn, the trees around Nagatoro become beautiful with autumn leaves. (^^)!

The water level has been low lately, but it’s nice to go rafting while relaxing and looking at the scenery.

But since it’s autumn, the water temperature is a little low and you might get cold.”(-“”-)”

But you should be fine if you wear a wetsuit.”(-“”-)”

Autumn Nagatoro rafting can be enjoyed even when the water is cold.

Please come and join us on the Nagatoro Rafting Tour!(^^)!

October 7th 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog

As of October 7th, Nagatoro Rafting Tour is open (^^)/

There has been no rain recently, and the river water level is low.

You should wear a wetsuit as the water temperature is getting colder. (゚∀゚)

On days when the air and water temperatures are low, you can enjoy rafting by wearing a wetsuit.

Nagatoro Rafting Tour is open until November ♪

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us♪

All the staff are waiting for you in Nagatoro!(^^)!

July 31st 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog

The main rafting season is finally starting (; ・`д・´)! !

Midsummer days continue in Nagatoro (゚∀゚)

Therefore, there is almost no rain, and the river water level continues to be low! !

There was a shower today, but the short rain has little effect on the water level! !

Even if the water level is low, you can swim and play in the river and feel the best summer ever! !

If you make a reservation online, you will save 500 yen per person.

If there are seats available on the day, you can also walk in (^^)/

All the staff are waiting for you in Nagatoro♪

July 25th 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog


I’m writing this blog from Nagatoro, where the heat continues every day!

This year’s heat feels dangerous.

Are you all taking precautions against the heat?

If you come on a Nagatoro rafting tour, you can cool off by swimming in the river.

Would you like to play in the river together?

Today, we had this parent and child perform “Takigyo” (Japanese style training)!

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After playing in the river a lot, we recommend going to the famous shaved ice shop in Nagatoro to rehydrate yourself.

The boy will be very sleepy after rafting, but he will do his homework!

Good Luck!

July 22nd 2023 Nagatoro Rafting Blog

Summer is the best time to enjoy rafting! !

Kids who have entered summer vacation will want to do activities ( ̄ー ̄)

Recently, the temperature in Nagatoro has exceeded 30℃ every day.

The water level of the river is low due to no rain (゚∀゚)! !

On the other hand, the river water is clear and the conditions are perfect for swimming.

If you make a reservation online, you will save 500 yen per person.

If there are seats available on the day, you can also walk in(^^)/

5 minutes walk from Nagatoro Station to Nagatoro Base!

Nagatoro Base is a location where you can sightsee Nagatoro after your rafting tour ♪

Let’s feel the summer in Nagatoro♪♪

We are looking forward to your participation in the rafting tour (^^)/